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Magister Sport Science's Student Initiations
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The Sports Sciences study program class of 2018 has conducted an evening of intimacy activities on Friday, December 14, 2018 until Saturday, December 15, 2018. This activity was initiated by students of Sport Sciences 2018 study program which aims to get to know each other between students of one generation. Planned for less than 2 months, a number of representatives involving representatives from each class of 2018 Sports Science students compiled a plan of activities which would then be carried out at the hawila villa in Kaliurang kilometer 25. 2018 Sports Science Students themselves numbered around 80 students, but there were some students who did not active so that the number of students is less than 80. The event was attended by 40 students or only half of the total number, this is because there were busy each different from the national training, CPNS test and others. In addition, we also invited the chairman of the Sport Science study program Prof. Dr. Suharjana, M.Kes. which was represented by Dr. Widiyanto, M.Kes. This activity carries the vision and mission to glue the ties of friendship between students by getting to know each other, because it is felt that these master level students have their respective preoccupations both in academic and non-academic fields and class plotting which ultimately makes the circle of friendship seem dichotomous.
The departure will be held on Friday, December 14, 2018 with a gathering point in front of the Yogyakarta State University Rectorate building, at 08.00 West Indonesia Time and then departing at 09.00 West Indonesia Time after starting with praying together. After performing Friday Prayers at the mosque around the location, then proceed to Villa Hawila to prepare the place and all equipment that will be used during the activity. Carrying the concept of "one for all, all for one", all matters ranging from renting a place, renting infrastructure, to arranging a rundown of events are carried out by students and for students themselves. In addition, all types of accommodation are collective contributions from participants.
After the preparation is finished, then proceed with a meal with Palembang's special food and Jogja's special food brought by one of the participants. Eating together is accompanied by small and friendly sharing with Dr. Widiyanto, M.Kes. starting from the introduction of each student to Dr. Widiyanto, M.Kes. Towards Asar Prayer, the activity continued with the official opening and talkshow by Dr. Widiyanto, M.Kes. The material presented is about the paths of submitting the final project to the preparation of journals and motivations delivered with a relaxed and semi-formal atmosphere. Besides that, Dr. Widiyanto, M.Kes. expressed his appreciation for the implementation of this activity and hoped that activities like this could expand the network and add insight between students outside of academic activities. He also said that in the future activities like this become routine activities with the aim to strengthen the friendship rope.
Continuing before entering the Magrib Prayer, an introductory event between students with the concept of the game helped enliven the intimate atmosphere in the afternoon. After that the participants do the cleaning themselves and get ready for activities in the evening which are performances between groups. Right after lunch and Isha Prayer, the art performance also enlivened the chill of the night by showing some of the talents of the participants in groups. A warm atmosphere exists in the midst of the cold night of Kaliurang which is wrapped in light rain. Then the most eagerly awaited event came, after the rain that began to subside the event continued outdoors with a campfire and barbecue. All participants gathered around a campfire and roasted some prepared food. Between the warmth of the fire at night, participants shared with each other about the state of sports in their respective regions and had ideas for further activities such as journal writing training and final assignments as presented by Dr. Widiyanto, M.Kes. previous. And the final event on Saturday, began with a healthy walk through the surrounding countryside followed by joint exercises and outbound that further familiarize the participants.
From the series of events, ikor 2018 hopes that this event can continue and have great benefits for participants and can become a routine event where even though the concept of familiarity does not leave the academic spirit packed with semi-formal sharing..
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