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Magister Sport Science Student of UNY goes to PT Sinjaraga Santika Sport in Majalengka West Java.
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The Masters Program in Sport Science Postgraduate Program Yogyakarta State University seeks to facilitate the improvement of student qualifications and competencies through various activities outside of academic activities on campus, one of which is through Lab Studies. In line with the vision and mission of the UNY Postgraduate Program, Lab Study is one of the most important activities. The follow up of this activity is to prepare Master Program students to become scientists, education staff, and other professionals who have the ability to be researchers, planners, developers, thinkers, and practitioners who have (1) broad insight, have concern high education with all its aspects; (2) deep mastery in the field of science which becomes his expertise; (3) the ability to research, develop, plan, and manage education and disseminate knowledge and technology in the field of education and other fields. Graduates of the S2 Sports Science study program can also play a role in designers, developers, researchers, and managers in the field of science and technology in the development of sports equipment. Based on these thoughts, the students of the Department of Sport Science UNY Masters Program 2017 class held a comparative study activity at PT Sinjaraga Santika Sport in Majalengka, West Java.
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